Side gate for a house in Cheltenham with the life cycle of the poppy as a theme.
From the original drawing to the finished gate little changed except slight reconfiguring of porch.
Construction was in forged steel, welded and riveted together and beaten copper.
Hardboard patterns drawn directly from the brickwork made for a precise fit. Oil impregnated phosphor bronze bearings allows for free running and a low maintenance life.
Forged and solid riveted steelwork was sand blasted, zinc sprayed for rust proofing, primed and finally coated with a graphite paint finish.
Beaten copper work was acid cleaned and bead blasted then heated to produce oxidation colours and finally a two pack laquer was applied to fix the colours and prevent further oxidation.
Side gate for a house in Cheltenham with the life cycle of the poppy as a theme.
From the original drawing to the finished gate little changed except slight reconfiguring of porch.
Construction was in forged steel, welded and riveted together and beaten copper.
Hardboard patterns drawn directly from the brickwork made for a precise fit. Oil impregnated phosphor bronze bearings allows for free running and a low maintenance life.
Forged and solid riveted steelwork was sand blasted, zinc sprayed for rust proofing, primed and finally coated with a graphite paint finish.
Beaten copper work was acid cleaned and bead blasted then heated to produce oxidation colours and finally a two pack laquer was applied to fix the colours and prevent further oxidation.